The mission of J & A Therapy, Inc. is to be the agency of choice as we strive to provide the best care services for individuals who have developmental disabilities, so that they can achieve their maximum degree of independence, self-determination, and happiness.
The organization works under agreement with the State of Florida Developmental Disabilities Medicaid Waiver program. We provide services in Miami Dade, Broward, and Monroe counties.
To become a consumer of ours, you must contact your Waiver Support Coordinator to contact us with a referral.

Services We Offer:
Below is a brief description of the services offered to individuals enrolled in Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services DD Waivers, including the CDC+ Program.
Life Skills Development Level 1- (Companion)
- Services provided to adults age 21 and older that include supervision and socialization activities. The service provides access to community-based activities that cannot be provided by natural or other unpaid supports and should be defined as activities most likely to result in increased ability to access community resources without paid support. These services are typically provided in an individual’s home and/or in the community setting.
- Companion services provide non-medical assistance and supervision to support a person’s goals, desires, and needs as identified in the individual’s Support Plan (SP) and reflected in his or her Person-Centered Thinking tool. Goals may be related to the individual’s safety, promotion of independence, community integration, and/or retirement.
Personal Supports Services
- Personal Supports services provide assistance and training to an adult (21 or older) individual receiving services in activities of daily living, including the areas of eating, bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, and preparation of meals. This service can also provide respite services to an individual receiving services age 21 and older living in their family home.
- Personal supports enable waiver participants to accomplish tasks that they would normally do for themselves if they did not have a disability. Personal supports take the form of hands-on assistance (performing a task for the person) or cuing to prompt the participant to perform a task.
- Personal supports are provided on an episodic or on a continuing basis. Personal supports under the waiver differs in scope, nature, supervision arrangements, and provider type (including provider training and qualifications) from personal care services in the State plan.
- Personal supports provide regular personal assistance, support, supervision, and training to assist the individual to participate fully in their home and community life. These supports can be provided in the participant’s own home, family home, in the community, and at an individual competitive, integrated work site.
Behavior Analysis Services
Behavior Analysis Services are provided to assist individuals receiving services to learn new or increase existing functionally equivalent replacement skills for identified challenging behaviors or to learn other behaviors that are directly related to existing challenging behaviors.
Behavior Assistant Services
Provides support in implementing the behavior analysis services plan created by the waiver behavior analyst service provider. Unlike other services, the behavior assistant provider’s focus is more on working with the caregivers to provide them with the skills to execute the procedures as detailed in the behavior analysis services plan, rather than the provision of intervention directly with the individual receiving services. Behavior Assistant Services are to be time limited.
Respite Care
- Respite care is a service that provides supportive care and supervision to individual receiving services under the age of 21 when the primary caregiver is unable to perform the duties of a caregiver. This service is generally used due to a brief planned or emergency absence, or when the primary caregiver is available, but temporarily physically unable to care for or supervise the individual receiving services for a brief period of time.
- Respite is short-term care intended to provide both the family and the individual with a break from their daily routines. Respite relieves families from their daily caregiving responsibilities, while providing the individual with new opportunities, experiences, and facilitates self-determination.
- Respite services support individuals and families with all of their complexity, strengths and unique abilities to achieve self-determination, interdependence, productivity, integration and inclusion in all facets of community life across the lifespan as they focus on life experiences that point the trajectory toward a good quality of life across the lifespan. They can support integrated life domains that are important to a good quality of life, including daily life, safety and security, community living, healthy lifestyle, social and spirituality, and citizenship and advocacy. Respite can help to build on current support structures that focus on self- determination, community living, building social capital and economic sufficiency to achieve individually defined life outcomes.
- Respite care will ensure that individuals will continue to receive services and have access to community activities as described in their Support Plan including transportation to and from the activities.